They Laughed When I Fed My Flowers ViAGrow

Challenges within the Growing Industry...
❗ Increased Demand :
As the population increases so does demand
❗ Increased Environmental Stresses :
In recent years we’re seeing more extreme weather events including flooding, extreme temperatures (high and low) etc, increasing the chances of abiotic stress within your plants but also degrading soil through erosion.
❗ Arable Land is Sub-Optimal :
Use of cheap ‘run of the mill’ fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides have been devastating soil quality across the world
❗ Slowing Yield Growth :
With plants suffering from environmental stress and soil qualities at a low, plant yield is also slowing

What’s the Solution?...
Plant Health Enhancements e.g. Biostimulants:
A plant biostimulant is any substance or microorganism applied to plants with the aim to enhance nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and/or crop quality traits, regardless of its nutrients content.
Combined with a natural fertiliser like UGF 6-in-1 INSTANT PLANT BOOSTER, biostimulants will help your plant utilise all the goodness from your fertiliser making it more effective.
It will also lesson the need for biopesticides as a healthy plant is more resistant to pests, disease and stresses. Recovery from such attacks will also be quicker.
The result of a biostimulant like ViAGrow: less money spent on expensive biopesticides and increased chances of reaching the full potential of your crop yield meaning a better chances of significant Return on Investment (ROI)

ViAGrow - Powders & Granules

ViAGrow is a biostimulant that helps overcome problems when plant roots & soil microbes receive only partial nutrition causing stop-start growth.
✅ Increases microbial activity
✅ Increases crop yields
✅ Increases root growth
✅ Increases Chlorophyll/brix content in plants & fruit
✅ Increases nutrient uptake
✅ Increases plant health
✅ Enhances plants natural defences to pests and disease
✅ Improves water retention in soil by up to 30-40%
What are you trying to achieve?
Not getting the results you're looking for?
Wanting to increase the number & size of your tubers?
Are your tubers miss-shaped?
Suffering from harvest damage?
Are you a professional grower looking to reduce shrinkage in store?

What are you trying to achieve?
Not getting the results you're looking for?
Wanting to increase the number & size of your tubers?
Are your tubers miss-shaped?
Suffering from harvest damage?
Are you a professional grower looking to reduce shrinkage in store?

Nursery Owner Achieves 20-30% Faster Growth!

Mal Roughley, Owner of Hedgeline Nursery, N-W Sydney
As a nursery owner, I am often sent samples of products that do not live up to their claims. However, after trying ViAGrow, which was included as a sample with one of my purchases, I was pleasantly surprised.
I had already been using UGF 6-in-1 on my plants and decided to add ViAGrow to the soil of some Lilly Pilly shrubs that I had recently transferred to 10-inch pots.
The outcome... The results were astounding. Those particular shrubs grew a whopping 20-30% faster than others, appearing bushier, greener, and with larger leaves. It was like they were slurping on rocket fuel!
I attribute this remarkable growth to ViAGrow, which appeared to enhance the plants' utilisation of the nutrients in UGF 6-in-1. I was so impressed that I knew I had to share it with my fellow green thumbs. I am convinced that this product is a game-changer and will be a market superstar - consider me a die-hard fan!
ViAGrow - Powders & Granules
Timing is everything!
Like most things in life, timing is key to getting the desired results. ViAGrow is no different! If your timing is wrong, you won’t achieve the best results…
Looking to increase the number & size of your tubers? Try Applications Early!
Want to reduce the number of misshapen tubers due to stress? Try Applying Mid-Season!
Want to reduce harvest damage and reduce shrinkage in store? Try Applying Pre-Harvest!
Want all of the above? Applying Super-Charged Humus Powder Early, Mid-Season & Pre-Harvest has you covered!

Timing is everything!

Like most things in life, timing is key to getting the desired results. ViAGrow is no different! If your timing is wrong, you won’t achieve the best results…
Looking to increase the number & size of your tubers? Try Applications Early!
Want to reduce the number of misshapen tubers due to stress? Try Applying Mid-Season!
Want to reduce harvest damage and reduce shrinkage in store? Try Applying Pre-Harvest!
Want all of the above? Applying Super-Charged Humus Powder Early, Mid-Season & Pre-Harvest has you covered!
What is VIAGROW?

Non-Microbial Biostimulant

Root Hormone

Soil Conditioner

Microbe Booster

Metabolism Efficiency Booster

OMRI Listed Product

ViAGrow is a nutritionally complete & balanced blend of mineral & organics designed to stimulate soil microbes and enhance plant growth.
Overcoming the problem when plant roots & soil microbes receive only partial nutrition causing stop-start growth.
Various complex organic (carbon) materials especially highly active HUMIC ACID (6%) & especially valuable FULVIC ACID (9%);
3 Types of Sulphur... 10% readily available to plants & 7% slowly oxidises; plus
Rare Earth & Trace Elements.
Contents are molecularly empowered via proprietary technology for greater bio-availability. This provides your soils with the greatest boost to beneficial soil microbes.

ELEMENTAL INGREDIENTS: Nitrogen (N) 0.2%, Phosphorus (P) 0.02%, Potassium (K) 1.1%, Calcium (Ca) 1%, Magnesium (Mg) 0.07%, Sulphur (S) 5%, Sodium (Na) 0.1%, Chloride (Cl) 0.01%, Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Boron (B) Plus other rare earth minerals
COMPLEX INGREDIENTS: Naturally occurring Humin, Humic (6%) & Fulvic Acids (9%)
PH: 3.2
The secret to unstoppable growth and fertile land!
ViAGrow - better soil in your hands!
Granules vs. Powder:
Which is Your Perfect Match?

When it comes to achieving quick results and producing high-quality compost, the powdered form of the product is the way to go. It can be easily mixed throughout soil or added to a watering can for application, although you may need to agitate it for optimal results.

If you're keen on boosting everything from vast fields to tiny plant pots, then a prilled or granulated form is your best bud. The beauty of prills is that they release nutrients more slowly, so your plants can enjoy a steady supply of goodies. For even better results and more plant power, why not gently scratch those prills into the earth?
ViAGrow - Powders & Granules
Sick & Tired of Mediocre Results from your Soil?
Are 'Run-of-the-Mill' Products Devastating Your Soil Fertility Too?

Are your plants dry, limp & lack-lustre, stressed or diseased?
Do they suffer upon first signs of challenging weather (dry, hot, windy or cold)?
Are your old growing practices struggling to yield the growth & quality to keep up with your competition?
Are costly man-made chemicals & troublesome manures creating imbalances, killing important soil microbe populations and locking up nutrients?
Simply over not winning?

❗ Dry, limp & lack-lustre plants
❗ Dull, tasteless fruit
❗ Suffers in challenging weather
❗ At the mercy of pests & diseases
❗ Not producing the yield you deserve
❗ Tired, stressed plants
❗ Dry arid soil
❗ Devastated soil microbes & fertility
❗ Thin, weak stems & roots

✅ Larger, fuller, more vibrant flowers.
✅ Sweeter, larger, fuller, more vibrant fruit.
✅ Greater RESILIENCE to Frost & Extreme Hot & Dry
✅ LESS pests & diseases
✅ GREATER YIELD - flowers, fruit, leaf, fodder & seed
✅ REJUVENATES old & stressed plants
✅ IMPROVED water retention in soil by up to 30-40%
✅ HEALTHIER, more lively soils
✅ STRONGER, larger roots & stems

Here's How You Can Breakthrough!
By using the very best of nature, science & industry best practice, you too can...
Achieve Breakthrough Results that shine above the rest;
Make things easier for yourself & save time;
Win More Admiration & Prizes;
Here's How You Can Breakthrough!
By using the very best of nature, science & industry best practice, you too can...
Achieve Breakthrough Results that shine above the rest;
Make things easier for yourself & save time;
Win More Admiration & Prizes;
Product Comparisons
Thicker, Longer, More Fibrous Roots

Stronger, More Vibrant Stems and More Trichomes (Hairs)

Darker, Glossy, Larger, Healthier Leaves

Faster Growth

ViAGrow - Powders & Granules
What Makes ViAGrow Different?

Naturally occurring humate molecules are tightly bound.
Rare earth minerals are a high value source of humic substances, carbon and countless minerals and trace elements.
Although these substances are naturally occurring, the nutritional value of these humic rich deposits remains largely unavailable to all organic life until it naturally decomposes over months, years or even centuries.

Our mechanical process breaks the binding chains.
This unique technical process breaks the long chains binding these molecules, rendering the contained elements as bio available without the use of heat or chemicals.
This ensures all parts of the base material are now completely accessible to the organic life and are delivered in a pure, natural state.

This process is not simply fine grinding.
If that was the case, the particle size would be reduced, however the basic molecular structure would remain the same.

The surface of the molecule is chemically altered.
In addition to breaking the long-chains binding the molecules together, the process also alters the surface of each molecule.
This dramatically improves ion exchange capacity of ViAGrow.
What is ion exchange?
Soil with a high ion exchange capacity has the ability to retain more nutrients in the form of cations or anions. This extends the length of time nutrients are available to the plants, and greatly improves soil fertility.
The loss of nutrients via leaching from the soil is greatly reduced in soil with a high ion exchange capacity.

CATIONS attract POSITIVE elements.
Calcium, magnesium, potassium, ammonium, sodium, aluminium and hydrogen are examples of POSITIVE ELEMENTS.

ANIONS attract NEGATIVE elements.
Sulphur, nitrate and phosphorus are examples of NEGATIVE ELEMENTS.
How does ViAGrow improve the ion exchange capacity of soils?
Due to the unique molecular changes carried out during the processing phase, ViAGrow will attract and hold both cations and anions, something very few products can claim.
This is due to the surface of the molecules being altered, allowing nutrients to both adsorb, and absorb to ViAGrow.
The robust nutrient absorption of ViAGrow is not reliant on a moisture bubble increasing the adherence of the nutrients to the molecule surface. In most cases of ion exchange, once the moisture bubble is lost, the nutrient molecule "breaks away" from the soil particle and is lost to nutrient leaching.
Once fully absorbed, ViAGrow will not leach nutrients, dramatically increasing the capacity to provide nutrients over extended periods.

How Do You Use ViAGrow Powder & Granules? When, How Often, etc…
Application Rates:
Suggest upper range of rates below initially, or better still medium rates in quick succession. Then, future applications can be less.
Note: Relative density of powder 1.3kg/L (approx)
BY AREA – Lawns, Garden Beds, Turf, Pastures & Grain*
Domestic: 10g (8ml) to 100g (80ml) per square metre (up to 200g = 160ml/m2)
Commercial: 100kg to 1tonne per hectare.
Suggest testing split-rates of 200kg & 500kg/ha initially.
BY PLANT SIZE – Fruit Trees, Vines, Vegetables, Flowers & Shrubs*
30cm Pot Plant: 1 to 5grams (1- 4ml)
1m High Plant: 5 to 25grams (4 - 20ml)
2m High Plant / Medium Vine: 20 - 100g = 15ml (1tablespoon) to 80ml (5 tablespoons)
4m Fruit Tree: 80 - 400g (60 - 300ml)
Large Commercial: 200-1000kg/ha
1 to 3% of soil weight. If soil or potting mix is low in nutrients and/or porous/sandy, consider upper amount. E.G. ... SMALL 15cm/2L Pot of say 1.2kg soil @2%= 24g (18ml, 1tablespoon). LARGE 30cm/10L Pot of say 6kg soil @2%=120g (90ml, 6 tablespoons)
Application Method:
PREMIX... Consider mixing through any other soil / potting mix / compost prior to planting out or undertaking soil improvement.
WET… Mix with water up to 0.5 to 1%. E.G. 30mls (2 tablespoons) in 9L watering can. May require agitation. Apply to foliage and roots.
DRY… Best mixed in the mid-upper root zone to gain advantage of the soluble humic compounds. Scratch in as practical. If only option is dry surface application, then apply only a slight amount of water initially.
Note: All natural and no known requirements for livestock with-holding periods, though refer relevant authorities.
Application Frequency:
Can be re-applied 3-12 monthly. Less as your soil becomes more alive & self-regenerates.
NEW PLANTS: Most important at early stages of growth (seed to infant seedlings), then throughout growth cycle.
ESTABLISHED PLANTS: Apply before growing season to stimulate new root growth. Ideal upon first signs of leaf burst & bud burst, then throughout flower and fruit formation for better, more plentiful, consistent harvest, plus resilience to pests, diseases & extreme weather. Also, apply post-harvest, then prior to dormancy to maintain soil microbial for a more vibrant start to next season e.g. more and bigger tubers!
What is the shelf life of ViAGrow?
The contents are millions of years old, so chances are it’ll be fine well after we’ve moved on.
Will it go through my fertigation system?
ViAGrow Granules cannot be used in fertigation systems however ViAGrow Powder can be used in some. ViAGrow Powder can work well with larger applicators, boom sprays & fertigation systems with medium-large nozzles & decent pressure but it is not the preferred application method. Some agitation might be needed.
Are NGI products sold on Amazon or Ebay?
Not presently.
Do you charge for freight?
Freight is free in Australia for orders over $50.
Do you ship outside Australia?
Yes, international freight is calculated at checkout, otherwise feel free to contact us for a quote.
What payment methods do you accept?
Our shopping cart accepts Visa & Mastercard plus PayPal (including Pay-in-4). Alternatively, we can arrange for an invoice to you direct with other payment options including bank transfer, PayID or Swift.

Healing the Earth, One Garden at a Time!
✅ Larger, fuller, more vibrant flowers & fruit
✅ Better RESILIENCE to Frost & Extreme Hot & Dry
✅ LESS pests & diseases
✅ Rejuvenates old & stressed plants
✅ Improved water retention in soil by up to 30-40%
✅ HEALTHIER, more lively soils
✅ STRONGER, larger roots and stems
Why Choose Us

100% Natural
Our mantra is go natural for better results now AND in the long term! We avoid using harmful chemicals and prefer to help you look after the planet.

Aussie Made & Owned
With all Australian stakeholders of high ethics, our ingredients are of clean Australian origin wherever possible, especially the fish & seaweed.

Champion Approved
Many champion growers and animal experts have achieved the highest of awards and recognition, attributing NGI products to their success.
Be the Greener Gardener
NGI... for the healthiest growth with minimal effort.

Free Shipping
For online orders over AU$20, we cover freight in Australia. We know that once you try one of our products, you’ll be back to buy larger sizes and other products as well. We look forward to getting to know you.

Fast Delivery
Orders are typically prepared and despatched daily.
Our main freight partners are Australia Post & Sendle. If you provide your email & mobile phone number, you’ll typically receive tracking updates.

Customer Support
We’re passionate about our products and the positive differences we’ve been able to make. That pride carries through to supporting you if ever needed.
Give us a try!
Your Rock Solid Money Back Guarantee

GUARANTEED to deliver significantly noticeable improvements
in health & vitality for your soils and plants or your money back.
ViAGrow - Powders & Granules
Well done, you've made it this far.
Now don't let this opportunity pass you by,
otherwise chances are...
you may never reach the growing prowess you could & others who act, will leave you behind.
Amaze them, wow them - feel the pride!
Give ViAGrow a go today!