They laughed when I started her on Selvita
But when the love came flooding...

They laughed when I started her on Selvita
But when the love came flooding...


Thoroughbred & Harness Racing

Polo & Polocrosse

Cutting & Campdrafting

Endurance Riding




Stud & Development Rates
Frustrated with your Horse's Health?
Are 'Run-of-the-Mill' Feeds & Supplements Failing to Deliver the Peak Nutrition Your Horses Deserve?

Is your horse stressed, low energy or suffers from accidents?
Do they suffer from bouts of diarrhoea, prone to lameness or bad skin?
Do the supplements you're using contain high levels of vitamins which could potentially cause poisoning & do more harm than good?
Destroying your Horse's Gut Biome & Causing Bigger Problems
Are costly & troublesome supplements creating imbalances, killing important microbial populations and locking up nutrients?
Simply over trying every supplement there is to try and help your beloved horse?..
As you know, ignoring problems can be costly!
Only treating the effect and not cause, can also be costly.
Same goes for only tackling one problem at a time or using in effective products.
In fact, you may be causing bigger problems down the line!

Do any of these horses problems sound familiar?
Stressed, anxious, TEMPERAMENTAL, doesn't trust others, runs away & hides?
Dry skin, dull coat?
RIBBY, struggles to maintain weight?
Unhealthy dropping - too dry, too loose
Bloated, irregular eating patterns, ULCERS?
Weak, tires easily, slow to recover after work, training or races?
WEAK JOINTS, poor hooves, prone to lameness?
Difficulty conceiving or carrying full-term?
Having to buy multiple supplements for different issues resulting in BIG COSTS?

❗ Band-aid Fixes not targeting the cause
❗ Only target one problem: Need to use multiple supplements
❗ Ineffective: Problem not solved
❗ Cost: Eats all the time due to lack of or not utilising nutrients &/or multiple products required for different problems
❗ Potential harmful nasties e.g chemicals and unnatural substances
❗ Side Effects: More problems than initial problem
❗ Animal-Tested: Unethical treatment harms animals and your conscience
❗ Takes too much time to administer or too many doses needed per day
❗ Taste: Won't eat it
❗ Vitamin/mineral/amino acid content is too high Causing Bigger Problems such as vitamin poisoning

✅ 100% Natural pure ingredients only! No nasties & ethically produced
✅ Target Multiple Causes & Reduces Cost: target multiple problems in ONE EASY DOSE by focusing on the right nutrients which starts with the gut.
✅ Shinier, HEALTHIER skin & coat
✅ Reduced anxiety & behavioural challenges
✅ Improved Digestion & food metabolism, healthier weight
✅ Reduction in stomach ulcers
✅ INCREASED muscle strength & stamina
✅ PREVENTION of muscle cramping & faster recover after racing & training
✅ Joint, hoof protection & repair
✅ Improved development rates, cycling & hormone balance
✅ Nutrient level carefully designed to avoid likelihood of poisoning. Selvita, instead uses the right combo of nutrients to stimulate the gut.

Desi Christina,
Horse Enthusiast of 30 years
I have a much loved 11yo Off-The-Track (OTT ) Thoroughbred, ‘Tickets’. He was often unsettled and at saddle time was girthy & sour. When I took him out riding in the open he would tense up, it felt like he was doubling in size. He felt unpredictable!
I noticed that whenever 'Tickets' was stressed, he'd grind his teeth and chomp the bit. I just didn't have the confidence he was relaxed, so I started him on SELVITA to help.
After introducing Selvita, my OTT has been riding out really well. He loves bush-riding now and is lovely & relaxed (see video). I met up with a few people for riding and even they remarked how much calmer he was.
It's definitely made my life a lot easier, and it's given me more confidence in riding 'Tickets' at adult riders and clinics.
He's a happier horse, I absolutely love his personality and his kind nature has flourished!


Selvita Equine

Hippocrates, 'the Father of Medicine' once said...
Too often owners incorrectly diagnose symptoms as isolated, whereas the larger problem relates to a less than ideal digestive system & gut biome.
Without a peak digestive system, including sufficient levels and balance of the right micro-flora & fauna, certain nutrient are simply unable to be absorbed in sufficient levels.
In other words, good health starts with making sure your horse gets the right micro-nutrients, in a bio-available form, to facilitate a healthy gut to better process various nutrients as needed.
Not only do some diets, and so-called supplements, not contain sufficient levels of micro-nutrients in a bio-available form, what's worrying is - they can be counter-productive to gut microbiome and in general!
Selvita has been designed to be a safe and effective method of empowering the gut to better take-up and utilise nutrients from regular diets.

Rather than just mask a problem, NGI's all-in-one supplement is designed to treat the source.
When sorted, your horse can better process various feed types which can reduce costs of feeding by up to 25%.
With a peak digestive system, your horse will be happiest, healthiest and friendliest!
1L bottle Selvita Equine is enough for 100 applications for a 500kg horse!
That's 100 days worth of supplements for your horse for only $89.95.
That's less than 90c a day!
Yours now...

Immune Booster & Digestive Aid
Coat Conditioner
Rich, Organic Supplements
Improved Development Rates
Joint & Muscle Aid
Hormone Balance

By using the very best of nature, science & 'industry best practice', you to can..
Achieve Breakthrough Results that shine above the rest;
Make things easier for yourself & save time;
Win More Admiration & Prizes; &
Underperforming Filly turns into Record-Breaking SPEEDSTER in 6 Months

Brett English
Racehorse Owner & Trainer, NSW
BEFORE: I had a lightly covered 3-year-old filly that was consistently at the back of the field. In the 'before shot', you can see how ribby and weak she was in her hindquarters.
FIRST 2 MONTHS: She thickened up through her chest and shoulders. Her coat has come through earlier and better. She's a completely different mare physically!
AFTER 6 MONTHS: She no longer has problems working or with her back muscles, plus her recovery is time is quicker. She's been a very sound horse with no issues!
FIRST RACE ON SELVITA: Betty gave it a start and within a couple of bounds, careered away to win by 3 and a half lengths, breaking the class record by 0.5s!


Selvita Equine

✅ Selvita replaces the need for multiple supplements in one easy daily dose.
✅ Faster recovery for breeding stallions, improved cycling, hormone balance & development rates
✅ Increase muscle strength, stamina & builds top line
✅ Improved appearance for show & sales (skin & coat)
✅ Faster recovery time after work, training & competitions
✅ Joint, hoof protection & repair
✅ Less hard feed required & improved metabolism
✅ Reduces stomach ulcers
✅ Reduces nervous energy
*SELVITA EQUINE doesn't contravene the rules of racing.
Use as directed and it will not cause an undesirable swab

Immune Booster & Digestive Aid

Coat Conditioner

Rich Organic Supplement

Improved Development Rates

Joint & Muscle Aid

Hormone Balancer

Advanced, super-concentrated, liquid horse booster designed for peak horse nutrition & immune support.
Developed by Natural Growth Institute & its Scientists over 25 years in consultation with Australia's CSIRO in the early years.
Rich in powerful amino acids(incl Tryptophan), vitamins(incl Vit E), omega oils, digestion catalyst & premium-grade selenium replacing the need for multiple supplements in one easy daily dose.
Selvita has also been designed to be safe and effective method to empower the gut to better take-up and utilise nutrients from regular diets. These 2 things combined help deliver peak nutrition, immune support plus all-round health & well-being, growth, stamina, recovery and development rates.
GUARANTEED Over 50% , Cool Processed, A1-Grade, Whole, Fast-Growing Fish - Rich Proteins(20 Amino Acids), Fatty Acids, Omega 3 & 6, Vitamins and Minerals, Presented in Highly Palatable Liquid Form.
SCIENTIFICALLY ENHANCED with Premium-Grade Selenium Colloid and Selenium Methionine, PLUS45 Trace Elements & Crucial Ingredients Including Tryptophan.
There is Nothing Else Like This as Advanced, Natural and Powerful!
ELEMENTAL INGREDIENTS: Calcium (Ca), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Iron(Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (k), Selenium (Se), Sodium (Na), Zinc (Zn) & More.
COMPLEX INGREDIENTS: 16 Amino Acids(Proteins), Omega 3 & 6 Oils, Vitamins A, B1 , B2, C, D3 & E, Fibre & Sugars.
NO NASTIES: Selvita Equine does not contain any artificial growth factors or antibiotics.
Advanced Multi-Purpose Natural Supplement For Peak Horse Nutrition & Immune Support

Typically the first observations that horse owners report after giving SELVITA to their animals, is they are more settled, lost their 'nervous, anxious nellie' so to speak.
It's like all of a sudden they've received a missing ingredient that their mind & bodies were longing for and they've been freed to be in their place again.
Same goes for us humans e.g. if we don't receive enough vitamins C, our mind & bodies will be uncomfortable and we get sick. If left unsorted the result can be scurvy and even death - like in the old sailor days! Until limes were introduced on long voyages, scurvy was a very real problem. Limes of coarse are rich in Vitamin C.

Usually, the next observation noted is their coat improves - commonly within 7-10 days.
NGI Scientists explain...,
"Their skin improves quite quickly and started to glow through their old coat. As the new coat grows, the shine multiplies."
And, as they say... a horse's coat is the window to their health
Observation shortly after tend to involve healthier appetites and a healthier gut. With a healthier gut you likely notice boosts in energy, speed. agility and recovery.
Filly Expected To Die!

Peter Burke
Thoroughbred Consultant
Before: A 2-year old filly of mine had a prolonged case of chronic diarrhoea - the worst I’d ever seen!
She was a minimal weight, depressed, lethargic - the prognosis wasn't good! I was lost and didnt know where to go next!
Within 7-10 days on Selvita: She had a new lease on life!
She was happy, the scours soon disappeared and she returned to
a good health and normal eating patterns!
18 Months Later: is a MUSCLE BOUND POWERHOUSE who relishes training and is loving life!
Her coat looks amazing, she's more relaxed and has thrived on double the training that most junior horses can't handle before going shin-sore and giving up!
SELVITA has been a major contributor in her recovery, turnaround and current condition and form.


Selvita Equine


Selenium is an essential component of various enzymes and proteins that help to make DNA, protect against cell damage and infections. With widespread-deficient soils in Australia this Ingredient is more important ever in your horses diet which is why it is one of Selvita's active ingredients!

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that can only be obtained through diet. It is used in the biosynthesis of proteins and help make melatonin and serotonin. Stressed horses can become tryptophan deficient which can lead to mood changes, lack of appetite and if left untreated can sometimes lead to a weakened immune system. Selvita's specialised formula has been designed to give your horse an extra helping hand to help combat this problem within safe levels.

Omega 3 & 6
Not only is Selvita jam packed with essential nutrients, amino acids and elements it contains Omega 3 & 6. Omega 3 & 6 are thought to improve skin, coats, and hooves, immune system, recovery, bone growth, joint health and much more. As Selvita is derived from whole fish, the omega 3 & 6 oil content is more readily absorbed than oils derived from plant-based materials and therefore your horse receive more of this essential ingredient.

Save Time & Money!
Problems that Selvita may help with:
Selvita Equine has been designed to be a safe and effective method of empowering the gut to better take-up and utilise nutrients not just within Selvita but main diet as well Here are just a few problems its helped solve:
1. Frequent Diarrhoea

Bacterial imbalances in the gut can impact your horses ability to naturally digest food & nutrients, leading frequently to uncomfortable diarrhoea. Not enough B1 or simply stress can also result in diarrhoea.
Changing diets is usually the first step but if your horses gut is not processing the nutrients in the food, this problem will persist. Selvita not only helps in empowering the gut but contains B1 and also helps your horse become more settled with the addition of Tryptophan.
Allow yourself to breathe easy knowing your horse is less likely to have diarrhoea with the addition of Selvita Equine.
2. Stress
Like us horses can get stressed for a variety of reasons. Its important to take note of their feeding schedule, stall time or any changes in their routine. Unfortunately some changes are unavoidable and after you've tried the usual, they may still be exhibiting behaviour of a horse that's stressed. This could be due to a tryptophan deficiency as many stressed horses become tryptophan deficient.
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps make serotonin and melatonin. Selvita Equine is not only packed with nutrients it contains this essential amino acid. It has helped so many other horses become calm and settled. Is this the vital ingredient your horse has been missing?

3. Reduction in Early Embryonic Loss

There are many causes of early embryonic loss in mares. Some of the most common being bacterial, fungal or viral infections, illness, fever, pain, stress, nutritional or hormonal reasons.
Importantly, although the underlying cause of the development rates may have been at work for some time, the mare will likely be unprepared both hormonally and physically. This is why its important to make sure your mare's environment and feed allows for the best chance to come to term.
Selvita not only contains tryptophan to help destress your mare but also Selenium which can help improve uterine function, conceptus growth and gene expression but also when combined with Vitamin E helps improve cell damage. Selenium is also known to improve testicular function including sperm count, morphology and motility. As previously mentioned, Selvita also empowers the gut to better take up and utilise nutrients.
With the help of Selvita Equine your mare & stud are more likely to be in peak health hormonally and physically, giving you the best chance at producing a healthy foal.
Be the Best Carer You Can Be
Here to make your customer experience easier, and better!

Customer Support
We love our customers just as much as we love their horses (Well, we might love your horse more!). But since you are an amazing horse parent, we are here to help whenever you need it ☺️

Free Shipping
For online orders over AU$20, we cover freight in Australia. We know that once you try one of our products, you'll be back to buy bigger sizes and other products as well. We look forward to getting to know you.

Fast Delivery
We already know that your horse is top priority. We get it, and that's why all our orders leave our warehouse within 2 days of purchase. Hang in there. Peak nutrition and immune support is on its way!

✅ Better DIGESTION, metabolism, uptake of nutrients, resulting in reduction of ulcers
✅ Faster RECOVERY, increased muscle strength & stamina
✅ Improved development rates, cycling & hormone balance
✅ LESS joint, hoof, muscle, skin, coat, anxiety & behavioural problems
Make Their Life Better So You Can Enjoy Yours With Them!

I tried everything until...
My OTT mare came to me, she was not of a healthy weight with a tummy full of Ulcers and was often edgy & erratic.
I have just about tried every product after getting her Tummy sorted. After 2 weeks on Selvita, Bella had a much better appetite and was a lot calmer and loving.
3 months later, Bella is happy to eat 2 feeds a day, she has finally put on weight, and has a lot more energy!
Plus, it's great to see her more relaxed.
Selvita is an amazing product.

Anne De Winter,
Equestrian of 50+ Years, ACT

From dud to lightning fast!
I am over the moon with the results I have achieved with it. I had a very lightly framed filly and with the use of Selvita and a good spell, I now have a very strong mare that won first up by 3 1/2 lengths in class record time. Thanx very much.

Brett English,
Racehorse Owner & Trainer, NSW

Improved Digestion, Performance, Mood and Development Rates!
In my 20+ years of managing and caring for 100's of thoroughbreds, I have personally been surprised at how quickly a number of horses overcame some very major challenges with the help of SELVITA EQUINE...
1) DIGESTION - After weeks of Chronic Diarrhoea we were desperate - sorted with Selvita in days!
2) PERFORMANCE - strength, condition and speed all improved on all horses we gave Selvita to.
3) HOT TEMPER - one horse in particular I wasn't game to take her off Selvita! She was so much calmer!
4) DEVELOPMENT RATES - after 3 previous confirmations of being in foal, a well-bred mare finally carried to full-term and delivered a healthy foal 20% above-average weight after adding Selvita to her diet!

Peter Burke
DipEqMgt, Horse Breeder, Buyers Advocate & Advisor NSW

I couldn't even pat her before Selvita!
So I have my stallion and a filly 2yr old. The stallion hopefully for stud and overall health.
The filly came to me nervous and standoffish. But by no means nasty. Just not sure within herself.
Within 2 weeks, she was happy to take food from my hand and was acutely calling out to me.
Before she would run to the back of the round yard and be stiff as a board like I was going to kill her.
Now she is not tense, way more relaxed and happy to stand for me to pat her. I haven't done anything but pat her and hand-feed her to gain her trust.
And I think this product has helped so much with both of them.
Rebecca Mutch,
Horse Enthusiast, NSW

My fussy girl looks so good!
I am totally loving this product, have had comments on how good my little fussy girl looks, along with better attitude.☺️🐎

Anne De Winter,
Equestrian of 50+ Years, ACT

Love this product!
I love this product, I can certainly see the results in my horse.
Bernadette Donellan Russell,
Horse Enthusiast, NSW

Selvita Equine
Why Choose Us

100% Natural
Selvita is all natural with over 50% cool processed, whole, A1-grade, fast-growing fish with no artificial growth factors, antibiotics or nasties!

Aussie Made & Owned
With over 25 years of research and development. Our scientists developed and make this formula right here in Australia!

Champion Approved
Selvita is approved by leading experts in horse racing and studding
If You're A Horse Enthusiast Like Us, You Probably Already Understand That... Not All Equine Supplements Are Equal!
Here's Further Evidence Of What You Already Knew...
Typical Contents
Source & Ownership
Has a role in normal growth and is used in biosynthesis of proteins.
It also helps make melatonin and serotonin & is involved in the synthesis of niacin (vitamin B3)
Other Amino Acids / Proteins
Amino Acids help synthesise proteins & play a significant role
in various important biochemical and metabolic processes in the cells of animals. Proteins form
new skin cells, grow hair & build muscle tissue
B Vitamins
Helps regulate energy, metabolise fats & carbohydrates, breakdown nutrients, aid in healthy skin & maintaining the central nervous system
Vitamin E
An antioxidant, maintaining the integrity of biological cell membranes
Omega 3 & 6 Oils
Understood to improve skin, coats, immune system, recovery, bone growth, joint health, reduce shedding
An element essential for DNA, protects against cell damage, infections & helps development rates. When paired with Amino Acids and vitamin E it nutrient synergy and is more readily available. Worldwide more and more countries are finding soils deficient in Selenium such as Australia and Northern states
in the US
Primarily needed for bones, teeth, nerves, muscles, blood clotting, and body enzymes. When combined with Vitamin D it is
more readily absorbed
Other Micronutrients
Critical to health and well-being
Potentially Harmful Cotents
Artificial growth factors, antibiotics, chemicals
Selvita Animal Supplements
Owned, Made and Sourced in Australia
Due to use of whole fish contains enough tryptophan for daily intake in a bio-available natural form - more readily absorbed.
Not too high a dosage to avoid poisoning
Significant Levels
& Range
20 Amino Acids including the essential amino acids that animals cannot produce in the body alone
Contains Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2) & Niacinamide (B3)
More bioavailable due to fish content and other nutrients
and combined with other nutrients - Gaining all round health and better bioavailability
High fish based product (Contains A1 Grade, Whole, Fast Growing Fish.) - Means Omega 3 & 6 is more readily absorbed.
The high grade fish and our cool processing technique used to process the fish means more of the goodness (including Omega 3 & 6) are preserved - Meaning higher content
Organic fish based source of Selenium paired with amino acids and vitamin E making it more bioavailable (more readily absorbed). Fish sources are also one of the foods highest in selenium
Significant and combined Vitamin D - More readily absorbed
Significant & Huge Range
None Known,
All Natural.
Due to our Cool processing technique no chemicals are added, lessening the likelihood of any harmful contamination entering the supplement
Fish Oil Supplement
Various Sources
Usually nil to negligible
Limited range - Most processing techniques rely on high heat, acid and chemicals to break down fish - destroying many nutrients in doing so!
Nil - Fish oil usually contains no B Vitamins unless otherwise stated on the bottle
Sometimes Added - Most fish oil supplements for humans usually add Vitamin E but the addition of Vitamin E is not always the case with animal supplements.
If feeding fish oil supplements daily it is important to check that Vitamin E has been added otherwise can cause Vitamin E deficiency
Significant to Low - Dependent on processing techniques and fish used.
Often low grade fish used to keep costs down or less fish used - Meaning lower levels of Omega 3 & 6 among other vital nutrients
Significant if paired with Amino Acid & Vitamin E. If not there can be limited absorption
None unless specifically mentioned as an added ingredient
Limited due to most processing techniques used to extract and make fish oil
Concerning - Due to processing techniques there is high potential for oxidation, solvents, heavy metals, synthetic excipients, bleach & can use of enteric coatings
Artificial / Chemical Enhanced
Various Sources
Usually only added when making calming treatments resulting in multiple products required for all round health & high cost
Often high a dosage which means you have to be very careful what other foods and supplements you feed your animal to avoid poisoning
High range only found in products aimed at upping Amino Acid or Protein Levels - Due to the manufacturing process these can be costly and rarely contain other nutrients for all round health benefits
Variety to None - Usually dependent on targeted supplement intention. & usually less bioavailable
Dependent on targeted problem - Often high amounts of synthetic Vitamin E used when introduced but usually less bioavailable than natural products
High Levels - Often boasting high levels but also contains other unnatural components and nasties
Significant levels - due to inorganic nature it is less readily absorbed than organic alternatives especially when it is not paired with amino acids and vitamin E
Usually only added for targeted calcium supplements
Often limited - Due to one problem targeted products.
When product has a large range - often less bioavailable and more costly
Concerning Artificial Growth Factors and Antibiotics can be found in some. - As a result not suitable for regular use. Processing techniques can leave residuals if not processed properly. - Costly as a result of the process and if not more likely to be potentially harmful from residuals
Herbal Supplements
Various Sources
Usually only in calming treatments resulting in multiple supplements required for all round health & high cost
Either limited range
or limited levels due to source - many plant sources are not complete protein sources & requires further supplementation from products or food
Variety to None - Usually dependent on targeted supplement intention
Significant to Low - depends on plant source used e.g. Supplements made from Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils contain more bioavailable
Vitamin E
Average - Despite high concentrations of Omega 6, Omega 3 from a plant must be converted to EPA before it exerts biological effects. Conversion rates can be as low as 0.1% and are often less than 10% especially in the case of dogs, cats & horses - Meaning Omega 3 content from plants is less readily absorbed than fish
Dependent on source - the amount of selenium will very much depend on soils it came from and how much selenium the plant absorbed e.g. In Europe there is not a problem with Selenium deficient soils but the amount of it that’s absorbed by plants
Significant amount - Will depend on plant source for how bioavailable
it is
Generally Limited range and bioavailability - It will depend on plants used, how they are extracted and where they are grown
None known, all natural but will depend on the processing technique used
Typical Contents
Selvita Animal Supplements
Owned, Made and Sourced in Australia
Fish Oil Supplements
Various Sources
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Various Sources
Herbal Supplements
Various Sources
Has a role in normal growth and is used in biosynthesis of proteins.
It also helps make melatonin and serotonin & is involved in the synthesis of niacin (vitamin B3)
Selvita Animal Supplements
Due to use of whole fish contains enough tryptophan for daily intake in a bio-available natural form - more readily absorbed.
Not too high a dosage to avoid poisoning
Fish Oil Supplements
Usually nil to negligible
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Usually only added when making calming treatments resulting in multiple products required for all round health & high cost
Often high a dosage which means you have to be very careful what other foods and supplements you feed your animal to avoid poisoning
Herbal Supplements
Usually only in calming treatments resulting in multiple supplements required for all round health & high cost
Amino Acids help synthesise proteins & play a significant role in various important biochemical and metabolic processes in the cells of animals. Proteins form
new skin cells, grow hair & build muscle tissue
Selvita Animal Supplements
Significant Levels
& Range
20 Amino Acids including the essential amino acids that animals cannot produce in the body alone
Fish Oil Supplements
Limited range - Most processing techniques rely on high heat, acid and chemicals to break down fish - destroying many nutrients in doing so!
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
High range only found in products aimed at upping Amino Acid or Protein Levels - Due to the manufacturing process these can be costly and rarely contain other nutrients for all round health benefits
Herbal Supplements
Usually only in calming treatments resulting in multiple supplements required for all round health & high cost
Helps regulate energy, metabolise fats & carbohydrates, breakdown nutrients, aid in healthy skin & maintaining the central nervous system
Selvita Animal Supplements
Contains Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2) & Niacinamide (B3)
More bioavailable due to fish content and other nutrients
Fish Oil Supplements
Nil - Fish oil usually contains no B Vitamins unless otherwise stated on the bottle
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Variety to None - Usually dependent on targeted supplement intention. & usually less bioavailable
Herbal Supplements
Variety to None - Usually dependent on targeted supplement intention
An antioxidant, maintaining the integrity of biological cell membranes
Selvita Animal Supplements
and combined with other nutrients - Gaining all round health and better bioavailability
Fish Oil Supplements
Sometimes Added - Most fish oil supplements for humans usually add Vitamin E but the addition of Vitamin E is not always the case with animal supplements.
If feeding fish oil supplements daily it is important to check that Vitamin E has been added otherwise can cause Vitamin E deficiency
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Dependent on targeted problem - Often high amounts of synthetic Vitamin E used when introduced but usually less bioavailable than natural products
Herbal Supplements
Significant to Low - depends on plant source used e.g. Supplements made from Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils contain more bioavailable
Vitamin E
Understood to improve skin, coats, immune system, recovery, bone growth, joint health, reduce shedding
Selvita Animal Supplements
High fish based product (Contains A1 Grade, Whole, Fast Growing Fish.) - Means Omega 3 & 6 is more readily absorbed.
The high grade fish and our cool processing technique used to process the fish means more of the goodness (including Omega 3 & 6) are preserved - Meaning higher content
Fish Oil Supplements
Significant to Low - Dependent on processing techniques and fish used.
Often low grade fish used to keep costs down or less fish used - Meaning lower levels of Omega 3 & 6 among other vital nutrients
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
High Levels - Often boasting high levels but also contains other unnatural components and nasties
Herbal Supplements
Average - Despite high concentrations of Omega 6, Omega 3 from a plant must be converted to EPA before it exerts biological effects. Conversion rates can be as low as 0.1% and are often less than 10% especially in the case of dogs, cats & horses - Meaning Omega 3 content from plants is less readily absorbed than fish
An element essential for DNA, protects against cell damage, infections and helps development rates. When paired with Amino Acids and vitamin E it nutrient synergy and is more readily available. Worldwide more and more countries are finding soils deficient in Selenium such as Australia and Northern states
in the US
Selvita Animal Supplements
Organic fish based source of Selenium paired with amino acids and vitamin E making it more bioavailable (more readily absorbed). Fish sources are also one of the foods highest in selenium
Fish Oil Supplements
Significant if paired with Amino Acid & Vitamin E. If not there can be limited absorption
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Significant levels - due to inorganic nature it is less readily absorbed than organic alternatives especially when it is not paired with amino acids and vitamin E
Herbal Supplements
Dependent on source - the amount of selenium will very much depend on soils it came from and how much selenium the plant absorbed e.g. In Europe there is not a problem with Selenium deficient soils but the amount of it that’s absorbed by plants
Primarily needed for bones, teeth, nerves, muscles, blood clotting, and body enzymes. When combined with Vitamin D it is
more readily absorbed
Selvita Animal Supplements
Significant and combined Vitamin D - More readily absorbed
Fish Oil Supplements
None unless specifically mentioned as an added ingredient
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Usually only added for targeted calcium supplements
Herbal Supplements
Significant amount - Will depend on plant source for how bioavailable it is
Critical to health and well-being
Selvita Animal Supplements
Significant & Huge Range
Fish Oil Supplements
Limited due to most processing techniques used to extract and make fish oil
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Often limited - Due to one problem targeted products. When product has a large range - often less bioavailable and more costly
Herbal Supplements
Generally Limited range and bioavailability - It will depend on plants used, how they are extracted and where they are grown
Artificial growth factors, antibiotics, chemicals
Selvita Animal Supplements
None Known,
All Natural.
Due to our Cool processing technique no chemicals are added, lessening the likelihood of any harmful contamination entering the supplement
Fish Oil Supplements
Concerning - Due to processing techniques there is high potential for oxidation, solvents, heavy metals, synthetic excipients, bleach & can use of enteric coatings
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Concerning Artificial Growth factors and Antibiotics can be found in some. - As a result not suitable for regular use. Processing techniques can leave residuals if not processed properly. - Costly as a result of the process and if not more likely to be potentially harmful from residuals
Herbal Supplements
Generally Limited range and bioavailability - It will depend on plants used, how they are extracted and where they are grown
Healthier, Stronger, Shinier Coat & Most Importantly - Happier!
Selvita Has Given My Girl a New Lease on Life!
Selvita Equine
Comparative Benefits
Immune Booster & Digestive Aid
Coat Conditioner
Rich Organic All Natural Supplement
Rich Organic All Natural Supplement
Improved Development Rates
Joint & Muscle Aid
Hormone Balancer
Selvita Animal Supplements
Promotes a healthy appetite and gut, resulting in boosts in energy, speed, agility, recovery, less digestive problems & therefore increased likelihood of resistance to disease.
Selvita is high in micronutrients that promote a healthy biome including Vitamin C, D & Amino Acids for a healthier immune system & Vitamins A, C & Omega 3 for aiding digestion. All natural sources & our specialist process techniques means it's more bioavailable
Shinier, Softer & Healthier usually within 2 weeks of taking Selvita every day
Contains proteins, Vitamins A,
B2, E, C & Omega 3, 6 for an all round healthier coat and skin!
100% Pure All- Natural Supplement due to Selvita’s processing techniques; we are able to use only natural ingredients with less risk of contamination and preserve more of the nutrients contained within them for an all-round healthier natural product that is more bioavailable as a result
100% Pure All- Natural Supplement due to Selvita’s processing techniques; we are able to use only natural ingredients with less risk of contamination and preserve more of the nutrients contained within them for an all-round healthier natural product that is more bioavailable as a result
Faster recovery for breeding, improved cycling & hormone balance - Selvita contains Selenium which can help improve uterine function, conceptus growth, gene expression, testicular function including sperm count, morphology and motility but also when combined with Vitamin E helps improve cell damage. It also contains Calcium, Vitamin D,
Omega 3 & 6!
Increased muscle strength, stamina, recovery,
protection & repair
Selvita contains Vitamin C,
Omega 3 & 6 which help with inflammation. It also contains Calcium & Vitamin D which helps with bone growth, muscle control & blood circulation. Amino Acids and proteins also contained within Selvita help promote muscle
Selvita customers are reporting their animals are more at one, calmer, less stressed and more at ease in their environments
Selvita contains Tryptophan, Selenium, Omega 3, Vitamin B1,
& D which all help in stabilising hormones for a happier,
healthier animal
Fish Oil Supplement
Average - Better for Omega content but missing other key nutrients to help create a truly
shiny coat
Yes & No - Fish used but due to processing techniques used to extract oil it can leave trace elements. High potential for oxidation, solvents, heavy metals, synthetic excipients, bleached for cosmetic appearance, use of enteric coatings
Yes & No - Fish used but due to processing techniques used to extract oil it can leave trace elements. High potential for oxidation, solvents, heavy metals, synthetic excipients, bleached for cosmetic appearance, use of enteric coatings
Minor - Contains Omega 3 & 6 which are essential for babies but usually lacks some of the other essential ingredients such as calcium.
Also risk of oxidation resulting in contamination chemicals stunting fertility and growth
Helpful - Due to
anti-inflammatory properties of Omega’s
Average - Even though fish products contain Omega 3 & Selenium they are often missing other vital hormone balancers such as Vitamin B1
Artificial / Chemical Enhanced
Minor - Often due to bioavailability
Average to Minor - Due to unnatural processes usually less bioavailable
Average - High levels of nutrients but risk of residual chemicals could have disastrous results.
Also less bioavailable so increased amount of nutrients added therefore increasing risk of poisoning
Significant to Average - High content but usually less readily absorbed
High Content for Supplements that target hormone control but usually less bioavailable
Herbal Supplements
Average to Minor - Dependant on plant source
Average to Minor- Due to plants used and bioavailability
Yes & No - Will depend on the extraction process used to make the product
Yes & No - Will depend on the extraction process used to make the product
High to Low - Will depend on plant source and extraction process
Average - Usually lacks high Omega 3 content or is less readily absorbed
Average - Due to bioavailability of Omega 3 & Selenium content
Comparative Benefits
Selvita Animal Supplements
Promotes a healthy appetite and gut, resulting in boosts in energy, speed, agility, recovery, less digestive problems & therefore increased likelihood of resistance to disease.
Selvita is high in micronutrients that promote a healthy biome including Vitamin C, D & Amino Acids for a healthier immune system & Vitamins A, C & Omega 3 for aiding digestion. All natural sources & our specialist process techniques means it's more bioavailable
Fish Oil Supplements
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Minor - Often due to bioavailability
Herbal Supplements
Average to Minor - Dependant on plant source
Selvita Animal Supplements
Shinier, Softer & Healthier usually within 2 weeks of taking Selvita every day
Contains proteins, Vitamins A,
B2, E, C & Omega 3, 6 for an all round healthier coat and skin!
Fish Oil Supplements
Average - Better for Omega content but missing other key nutrients to help create a truly
shiny coat
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Average to Minor - Due to unnatural processes usually less bioavailable
Herbal Supplements
Average to Minor- Due to plants used and bioavailability
Selvita Animal Supplements
100% Pure All- Natural Supplement due to Selvita’s processing techniques; we are able to use only natural ingredients with less risk of contamination and preserve more of the nutrients contained within them for an all-round healthier natural product that is more bioavailable as a result
Fish Oil Supplements
Yes & No - Fish used but due to processing techniques used to extract oil it can leave trace elements. High potential for oxidation, solvents, heavy metals, synthetic excipients, bleached for cosmetic appearance, use of enteric coatings
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Herbal Supplements
Yes & No - Will depend on the extraction process used to make the product
Selvita Animal Supplements
Faster recovery for breeding, improved cycling & hormone balance - Selvita contains Selenium which can help improve uterine function, conceptus growth, gene expression, testicular function including sperm count, morphology and motility but also when combined with Vitamin E helps improve cell damage. It also contains Calcium, Vitamin D,
Omega 3 & 6!
Fish Oil Supplements
Minor - Contains Omega 3 & 6 which are essential for babies but usually lacks some of the other essential ingredients such as calcium.
Also risk of oxidation resulting in contamination chemicals stunting fertility and growth
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Average - High levels of nutrients but risk of residual chemicals could have disastrous results. Also less bioavailable so increased amount of nutrients added therefore increasing risk of poisoning
Herbal Supplements
High to Low - Will depend on plant source and extraction process
Selvita Animal Supplements
Increased muscle strength, stamina, recovery,
protection & repair
Selvita contains Vitamin C,
Omega 3 & 6 which help with inflammation. It also contains Calcium & Vitamin D which helps with bone growth, muscle control & blood circulation. Amino Acids and proteins also contained within Selvita help promote muscle
Fish Oil Supplements
Helpful - Due to
anti-inflammatory properties of Omega’s
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
Significant to Average - High content but usually less readily absorbed
Herbal Supplements
Average - Usually lacks high Omega 3 content or is less readily absorbed
Selvita Animal Supplements
Selvita customers are reporting their animals are more at one, calmer, less stressed and more at ease in their environments
Selvita contains Tryptophan, Selenium, Omega 3, Vitamin B1,
& D which all help in stabilising hormones for a happier,
healthier animal
Fish Oil Supplements
Average - Even though fish products contain Omega 3 & Selenium they are often missing other vital hormone balancers such as Vitamin B1
Artificial/ Chemical Enhanced
High Content for Supplements that target hormone control but usually less bioavailable
Herbal Supplements
Average - Due to bioavailability of Omega 3 & Selenium content

✅ Our all-in-one supplement is 100% pure
✅ Can help your horse become more settled
✅ Bring out a healthy, shiny, coat
✅ Promote a healthy appetite and gut, resulting in boosts in energy, speed, agility, recovery & reduction in costs.
✅ It can also help prevent common problem such as diarrhoea and unsafe bacterial build up.
✅ It is made with all natural ingredients which means no nasties, such as artificial growth factors or antibiotics!
Read on to learn more about our all in one supplement for horses and see How Much Difference Our A Once-a-day Goodie Can Make.
*if you have any questions about NGI products, reach to our friendly support team. We're always happy to help.
Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Use SELVITA Equine? Daily Rate, etc...
How To Mix:
Mix SELVITA concentrate in with Dry Feed... This is the most common way. Often the bottle cap is used as a measure for Selvita concentrate and simply tipped into some dry feed in a bucket or a feed trough and mixed around - job done.
Dilute SELVITA with about 10 parts of water and evenly mix throughout Dry Feed... This avoids any concentrated amounts of Selvita, in case your horse can be a little fussy.
Mask & Dilute SELVITA with Molasses or Cen Oil and mix throughout Dry Feed... This may be best for fairly fussy eaters, or upon a new, fresh batch of Selvita until its odour subsides over a week or so.
SELVITA WITH DRINKING WATER is an option, although water can be spilled and thereby may not be the best utilisation of Selvita.
Standard Daily Feed Rate:
2ml per 100kg Animal Weight...
100kg foal: 2ml per day
250kg pony: 5ml per day
500kg horse: 10ml per day
650kg warmblood: 13ml/day
Rate can be doubled for short periods of heavy work & recovery plus before & after transportation
Withholding Periods: Zero (0) days
What is the Shelf Life of SELVITA Equine?
When stored in the recommended temperature (below 35 degrees Celsius):
Unopened... At least 2-4 years
After Opening... 6 - 12 months
Note: Use any prepared mixture as soon as practical, ideally within 1-2 weeks, to minimise natural microbial growth
Can SELVITA Equine be used with other supplements?
SELVITA has been designed to be used without any other supplements. The main gist is... with higher grade, more bioavailable nutrients & catalysts (as in Selvita), gut health is better empowered to utilise nutrients from normal diets whereas previously animals were unable to.
NGI Scientists explain there's a chance other supplements (& even feeds) may be counter-productive to the effectiveness of SELVITA. For example, whilst charcoal/zeolite may have the effect of absorbing and removing toxins, it may also absorb/remove valuable nutrients within Selvita.
Having said that, some animals may benefit from further supplementation to complement their particular diet to assist various conditions and challenges.
Generally in such cases, SELVITA may also be safely included because ingredients of SELVITA are well within recommended thresholds and generally unlikely to be a tipping point.
NOTE: NGI does not give specific dietary advice, and cannot be across the contents, bioavailability and utilisation rate of other products.
We offer for your consideration, that your animal's existing diet/supplementation be complemented with SELVITA for a number of weeks with a view to reducing other supplementation.
Others have done this successfully and have found SELVITA worked as hoped, then other supplementation was reduced, even eliminated and SELVITA remains their key supplement.
Competing on Selvita? Does it Swab?
Selvita doesn’t contravene the rules of racing. It is well within acceptable levels and does not swab.
How much does freight cost?
Freight is free throughout Australia for all orders over $50.
Do you ship outside Australia?
Yes, freight beyond Australia is calculated at checkout, otherwise feel free to contact us for a quote.
What payment methods do you accept?
Our shopping cart accepts Visa & Mastercard plus PayPal. Alternatively, we can arrange for an invoice to you direct with other payment options including bank transfer, PayID or Swift.
Selvita Equine

Your Rock Solid Money Back Guarantee
GUARANTEED over 50% Cool Processed, Whole, A1 Grade, Fast Growing Fish – Rich in Valuable Fish Stimulants, Amino Acid Proteins, Fatty Acids, Omega 3 & 6 Oils PLUS Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals. SCIENTIFICALLY ENHANCED with naturally occurring Selenium PLUS 45 Trace Elements & Crucial Ingredients including Tryptophan.
GUARANTEED to be suitably stabilised for at least 2-4 years unopened and 6-24 months after opening, provided kept out of sun and not in
sustained temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius

✅ Better DIGESTION, metabolism, up-take of nutrients, meaning better health and less ulcers
✅ Faster RECOVERY, increased muscle strength & stamina
✅ Improved development rates, cycling & hormone balance
✅ LESS joint, hoof, muscle, skin, coat, anxiety & behavioural problems

NOTHING the vet prescribed worked!
We tried every vet product to stop his crippling anxiety, bad skin and rash. Nothing worked!
He was constantly biting his skin and I didn't know how to help him.
I had success with treating anxiety in my horses with Selvita Equine and thought I would give Selvita Canine a go. To be honest, I would have tried anything to help him!
One week later... He's calm and not constantly
chewing himself! His skin is clearing up! I can't
believe it! It worked! I'll be buying again!
Desi Christina, Melbourne, VIC

Its knocked 5 yrs off his appearance!
Tuxedo, my 14yr old staffy, was starting to lose fur rapidly. We've always fed him a healthy varied diet with no processed food but as he got older he's started to lose more and more fur!
The top of his head to his nose was completely bald!
We'd tried other supplements to no avail until a friend suggested Selvita...
It's amazing, ALL his fur has grown back! He's calmer and his coat is so shiny! I don't even have to wash him as much because he's less smelly and his coat is so silky!
He keeps getting complimented on how soft his fur is. Its amazing how much of a visible difference one product has had!
Dave Karen, NSW

My 3 legged dog can get around as fast a 4 legged dog!
We had a 3-legged dog, Bruiser. Before Selvita he really struggled to get around. He didn't seem to have the energy and wasn't very happy.
When we started him on Selvita he was much happier because he could get around as quick as a 4-legged dog! His temperament completely changed! He had all the energy and his coat became soft as!
He was on Selvita until he died at 16. I honestly don't think he would have lived to that age without Selvita. The change it made in him really helped improve his quality of life.
Karen Thompson, NSW

He never limped again!
We got our old dog started on Selvita. He was old getting a bit mangey and he had started limping.
We took him to the vets and we were told he'd broken a tendon & we needed to pay $3000 to help fix his leg! We couldn't afford that and since we had heard Selvita Canine could help we started him on Selvita but we weren't expecting much.
After 3 weeks on Selvita he stopped limping! His coat was shinier and his attitude completely changed!
He was like a new dog! We kept him on Selvita Canine until he died at age 16 and he never limped again. The rest of his life was spent happily chasing goats like a pup again. I was amazed at the difference!
Brian Quinn, NSW

Back Leg Wobble Almost Gone Stronger Every Day Since We Started!
My 14yr old kelpy had been struggling with his back legs for some time and we were starting to get worried. We tried several supplements which were supposed to help but he wasn't getting any better. After speaking to a colleague I tried him on Selvita...
After 3-4 weeks on it we saw a visible change in his coat but more importantly his back legs seemed to be getting stronger. He's been on it for 6 weeks now and his wobble has almost gone! He's so much stronger. There is a huge difference and its only been 6 weeks!
He's getting stronger every day all thanks to Selvita!
Dave Karen, NSW
Selvita Equine
Well done, you've made it this far.
Now don't let this opportunity pass you by, otherwise chances are... you may never find an all-round health supplement that is as complete & effective at increasing performance and health!
Boost their immunity, vitality & help give them the happy, healthy life they deserve without breaking the bank!
Give Selvita Equine a go today!☺️